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Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Aurea Variegated


The first two photos are taken for my mother plant, you will receive the exact cutting A or B in photo linked to the option, updated photos can be provided per request. For the one leaf cutting option, I will pick the best one in terms of variegation and root development from my stock to ship, photos will be provided before shipping. The last photo showcases what the auxiliary bud looks like, the cuttings I sell here will always have the auxiliary bud located in-between the variegation and green as a confirmation of future variegation.

This beautiful variegated plant has been only circled around a few well-known aroid collectors for the past few years, I was lucky to collect one from a collector friend in 2021. Thankfully this plant has been growing well indoors, and I am able to produce a few healthy cuttings to share here. The variegation is relatively stable as you can see in the mother plant photo, every cutting is taken from the same mother plant with superior genes of variegation.


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